Multiple Transmission Lines – Class III Cultural Survey

Pinyon was contracted by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) to support repair, maintenance, and minor construction activities along WAPA access roads. Pinyon teamed with Steven W. Carothers Association (SWCA) to complete a Class III pedestrian survey of approximately 94 miles of power transmission lines and the associated access and maintenance roads in northwest Arizona.

  • Coordinated field and technical support in the re-visitation of 17 previously recorded archaeological and historic archaeological sites and two previously unrecorded sites within or intersecting the project area.
  • Facilitated a safe and efficient survey, communicating in real-time with WAPA project managers and ensuring the accurate recording of the resources through rugged and difficult to access mountainous areas.
  • Submitted a Class III Cultural Resources Report, which was accepted by WAPA in July 2022.

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Technical Services

Cultural Resources




Energy, Federal